Thursday, February 20, 2014

I was Sixteen, now I'm Seventeen, da da, da da, da daaaa

Yeah! So, I'm now officially 17!  I feel so old.  I never thought I would get to be 17.  It's pretty crazy.  I'm pretty sure I've got the mental capacity of a 12 year old though. xP  No offense to twelve year olds. They're amazing.

So, to tell the truth, I forgot today was my birthday.  I know, I'm ridiculous, but it's true.  The great thing about it though is finding out that tons other people didn't forget!  It's such a wonderful thing!

So, again, because I'm unable to speak properly and am currently obsessed with gifs I'm going to have a series of gifs about birthdays.  Hope you enjoy!

You wake up on your birthday without an alarm, 

Realizing it's your birthday you look in the mirror going,

Feeling happy you go down stairs and find your mom in the kitchen trying to be all secretive about baking your cake,

You then go to your siblings and get all excited and can't hold it in,

So you go through your day and because it's your birthday you have the right to guilt trip pretty much anyone.  Don't deny it, you know it's true.

You're in a happy mood just because and you get birthday emails.  You really were hoping you'd get them, but you down played it just incase everyone forgot. 

But when they do it feels so amazing! And you just want to hug them to death, but you down play it not wanting to look like a dork.  You try to manage the most chill thank you can muster up while still feeling like the most special person ever because they actually remembered,

And, of course, you can't get through a birthday without having people sing happy birthday to you.  No matter where it is, it's always completely awkward.  There's no escaping it.  If you're lucky it will only be your family, but if the fates are against you and you go out, then you are scarred when someone, that you will most probably beat to death later, tells the waitress it's your birthday. They then announce it to the entire world with a corny song that rhymes and makes you want to sink into the floor,

but by the end of the day you have smile on your face and are happy with how things went and you're glad that you have such great friends and family that are so wonderful. 
Basically guys,

Thanks for making my birthday so amazing! <3

Truly yours,

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'd like to comment on Valentines day, but basically it shall be a spam of gifs that I feel will describe the valentines experience of those who are not with anyone.  xp  I apologize.

You wake up and when someone asks you if you're sad not having someone special on valentine's day and you immediately reply with:


They don't believe you but again, sitting in front of your computer being spammed by sappy quotes about love, you violently reply:

Once they leave you alone you give in and start a marathon of sappy movies that make you cry.  In a moment of weakness you pull out the chocolate.  It's a year old and you bought it last year after it went on sale after valentine's day but you don't care:

After you're in a horrible state you decide that chocolate is too romantic.  It's making you more aware of the fact that you had to go and spend 3 dollars on it yourself instead of having someone buy it for you and give you a sweet note.  Therefore you move onto the ice cream that you always have in the freezer for just such occasions: 

By the end of the day you've completely given up and you lay in your room wishing you were having a romantic date with someone:

But don't worry, the next day is a new day and you can always start over.  Maybe next year you wont fail in your attempt to be unaffected by the single awareness day. 

Good luck Tomorrow!

Truly yours,

New Resolution

   Alright,  I've proven myself to be a complete failure at posting every day.  Really, though, you should be thankful, because if I posted every day at my current stage it would be really lame and boring.  As if this blog isn't already a waste of your time.  However, if you do read it thank you for the 5 minutes of your day, which you could have spent otherwise. Back on topic, my new resolution will be to post every day that I have something interesting to post about.  I know, sporadic, but it's probably in the best interest of you guys.  You won't have to come on and read a bunch of pathetic chattering over the oatmeal I had this morning.  Unless it was a particularly interesting or nasty bowl of oatmeal, then you might hear a comment about it.

   So, I will be sure to post once a week, but hopefully my life will suddenly become super amazing and I will have more things to post about, therefore posting more than once a week. 

 Truly yours,