But yes, so I labored over these intense questions and had to ponder deeply on them making sure not to put the wrong answer for it would surely be detrimental to my entire life. Right? xP And now you're probably sitting there going,
Therefore I shall post up the questions and my answers because I'm sure you are all very interested to know now. xP
1. How many years have you been in theater? Three ((What is this, some sort of background check? What do you think I do with my life?))
2. What's your favourite part? The amazingly awesome people. (:
3. What do you love most about your character? The fact that I'm the exact opposite. She's such a judger. xp
4. If you were stranded on an island, who would you want to be with? Definitely my true love. I mean... It'd be a perfect get away. xP
5. Favourite Celebrity? Hugh Jackman
6. If you could have a super power what would it be? ((I feel like this one is infringing on my personal privacy... xP )) Invisibility, no question. I could play a million more pranks. xD
7. What would you do if you won the lottery? I would travel to Europe. ((Are you planning on stalking me? All I ask is that there's no flash photography because that would mess with the enjoyment of nature.))
8. What is the talent you wish you had? Photographic memory. Boom. ((What is this? Put down Belle day? Point out her faults, tell her how incapable she is to face life because she doesn't have a photographic memory talent. I feel insulted and degraded. xP))
9. If you could breed two animals together which would you choose? ((First off,... would this count as mutation/cloning and such? If so I do believe this borders on the wrong in my religious beliefs. xP Also, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO STEAL MY SCIENTIFIC GENIUS!)) I would breed pigs and eagles = Flying pigs.
10. If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? ((Are you implying that I steal things? Or that I want to steal things?)) And I would steal the heart of a man. ;) Yes, deep. I know.
11. Favourite Disney movie? ((Alright, just stop. You don't ask someone this question.... this is like prying into my childhood. That's not even fair.)) Beauty and the Beast, for sure. ;)
12. Favourite Genre of Music? 90's ((Go a head, laugh and then go look up what the heck 90's music entitles. xp ))
13. Biggest fear? ((f you're planning on making this come true I will kill you..... except for the fact that I would be dead if you made it come true..... )) Drowning in a confined space.
And there you have it! All my personal questions. ;) I truly loved the questions, I thought they were great, and funny. Perfect for bio questions. ;) I had fun answering them, but I was telling the truth that it took a long time to think them through and answer the right way. xp I go back tonight for another practice. It's not quite as long, only *counts on fingers* 5 hours this time. ;) xP I am having fun though. ;) Don't worry. ;)
I hope you all have a nice day, but maybe not as crammed full as mine. :P
Truly yours,
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