Sunday, May 4, 2014

Look Up!

I'm posting this video for all of you.

Please give it a second, or... well... 5 minutes to be truthful.
It's so good.  THE best I've seen.  There are tons of videos telling people to get off their phones and computers and most of the time when I see them I get mildly annoyed and get kinda defensive.  Which is silly because the amount of computer time I spend every day is insane.  

I wish all my friends were here in real life.  I'd like to venture to say I'd sell my computers if they were.  I wouldn't need them, and I'd be happier, I know.
I'm glad I have computers and know the people I do, but I can't wait for the day when I can be with these people I know over the net in person and speak with them without the distraction of a screen or chat windows.

So, look up from your screen and do something today.  Do something good and something worth while.  

I challenge you readers to go out every day with a goal in your head.  Please say hello to a stranger, or friend before you come back to crawl into bed.

Please take a single moment and live life as it comes.  Don't let your phone do it for you.  Be smart instead of dumb.

So go out! Be present, be aware of the people God has placed in your life.  Show them how much you appreciate them by giving them your time and focus.

I'm not saying give up computers, but don't let them consume you.  You master them, not the other way round.  And if you spend a lot of time on the computer, maybe try to counter it by taking the time to have an in person interaction with someone near by. (: 

Truly yours,

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