Thursday, May 21, 2015

Classical Taste

Today, I was kinda hit with a question. 
What happened to classical art?

Okay, yeah, it's not that great of a question at first, but just wait, just wait.
So, I love, absolutely love marble sculptures. I think they are just about the most amazing artwork ever.  If there was just a museum filled with marble sculptures I'd be in heaven and could stay hours upon hours just going through it.  

It just amazes me. 
These guys had some serious talent.  
To get such detail out of rock and keep it completely smooth.

But, a question that was brought up to me by a friend was, why are we not doing this anymore?
I actually don't know, and I wont pretend like I do, but I thought it was an interesting thought, 
because if you think about it, if people want to have talent and be great why don't they want to get better, not get worse...

The way you can see through the veil almost is an absolutely incredible.
I think people are missing out when they don't see these statues nowadays. 
The value of talent in art is being lost I think.  Art now is definetly not being over taken by modern art, but it's giving more attention to it, which I think is sad because this art here has so much talent and time, and effort that went into making it.

There is a natural beauty that anyone can see in the human body, or in nature, but to ignore that and make useless junk that's glued to a canvas is silly because there's truly so much potential. 

Where has our search for beauty gone?  We're going downhill in so many ways.
Not only in art but in all areas, but our art is a good example of our downhill slide.  In 100 years will our new generations want to look back at a bunch of trash glued to a wall?  Will they want to see a black canvas with a white dot.  To be honest... you can only look at a white dot on black canvas for so long... there;s only so much depth to that... Does this tell us something about our society?  Are we becoming more and more shallow?

Truly, the most fun part of this post was laughing at these statues with clothes on them.  It's pretty great, don't you think? I would personally be a fan of people picking up this art, sculpting new age marble people with modern clothes. I would go to that museum. :P

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