Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm so lame at this.

I'm so amazingly lame at this.  I can't believe myself.  I've only just started and I've already skipped a week to go be a hooligan in DC and I've taken two whole sick days.  This is pathetic.

Right-o, here we go.  I wont let today go past without posting.  So, I am currently holding down the fort.  Siblings are very ferocious creatures but they seem to be tamed by candy quite nicely.

   I was informed today by a very well informed sibling of mine that one of the famous football players played Pokemon all week....  And... I was naturally... Appalled!

   Is it just me or does it seem ridiculous for a grown man to play Pokemon for an entire week.  He has no life.  Then again, look at me.  All I do is sit around in my virtual book shop because I don't have one in real life.  Maybe this football player, whoever he is, wishes he could have some Pokemon and so he goes and plays for a straight week.  Honestly though... at least I want something normal...

   Are video games the same as writing blogs and such?  I dunno... I've never been into video games.  I thought I'd never get my license because I was horrible at Mario Cart.  Seriously, the worst player ever. If you ever want to feel like an amazing player in anything video games, come challenge me. xp

   Please don't be offended anyone who plays video games excessively.  I just wish I could be as intrigued by games as you guys.  Really I do.  I also wish I could play decently, but my skills aren't even worthy enough to be shown in a two year old.

   And as it is now 12:37 a.m. I should head off because I'm depriving myself of sleep that I desperately need.  Also I have now managed to scare off all my friends that I was chatting because of my ridiculous rambling that was influenced very much by Hershey's Chocolate.

Truly yours,

P.S.  You may disregard this entire message if you like.  I will look back on it later and wonder why I'm not in a nut house because I'm sure that is where I truly belong.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

*stares at the cieling* I'm dying...

  Well, I had these great intentions and I was going to write all about my trip to DC, but now I'm back and I've lost all my great intentions.  It's not all my fault though.  I'm dying so cut me some slack. Okay, not literally, but I might as well be.  Whoever let the flu infect people should be slapped.  Really hard.  After they got better of course.  I sympathize with them as long as they're sick.

   Right now I feel like this as I lay in bed completely freezing and wishing my ceiling was more decorative so that I would be more entertained.  Luckily though, I'm not sick often so I don't have to wish I had a more interesting ceiling.

  I wish I felt worse about missing classes tomorrow, but I'm going to be perfectly honest.  I'm completely happy and overjoyed that I don't have to drag out of bed and go to classes.  It's a wonderful feeling that makes stress go away. 

                                         If I could skip classes I might get sick every day. xP

Alright, I'm done spamming you for today, hope no one else is sick and if you are, well, take advantage of it and skip classes.

Truly yours,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Packing Tension

*sits on the top of my suit case*

As much as I love traveling,  I completely hate the night before...

There's always something you have to and something you're afraid you'll forget.  It's a complete mess all covered in stress.  And along with the packing bit, you have to be all worried about the stuff you're leaving behind.  Work, and people, and such.  It's horribly stressful.   So, here I am sitting on my suitcase that I'm afraid will be too fat to fit into the overhead compartments, worrying about all the work I have to do before I leave.  An yet... I do nothing....

I'm gonna die and this is gonna end up being me....

 Well, *takes a deep breath* Here goes, *salutes* I will report back ASAP.  Wish me luck!

Truly yours,

How did it get so late so soon?

   Ever find yourself so caught up in things that you look up and you're not sure what the heck you're doing and where you're going? 

   I'm constantly crawling in bed at night and wondering where my day went. You have to deal with work, juggle hobbies, meals, friends, and still try to make time to chill out pick up a good book and read, or write.  It's almost impossible.

   So here I am sitting in my bookstore and I decided I'd like to do something.  Something constructive that I can do every day and that will keep my days from being a complete and total waste.  When I crawl into bed tonight, I will be able to say at least I wrote something.  Maybe it was lame, maybe it was stupid, but at least I did it.  Also, if I'm ever accused of a crime I will always have an alibi, so that's always a nice plus.  If my mom ever asks me why the heck I started a blog that will be my reasoning. xP

Truly yours,